Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow...

Yesterday, I promised to be more organized and it was a success... I did all the stuff I needed to do under time management. I felt good about it though I have a bit of toothache which has been killing me for a couple of days or so.

Today is a failure. Woke up late, my kids were having breakfast already and I felt guilty cause today I wanted to prepare something heavy for them but I didn't. I haven't clean the house yet, fed the birds nor folded the laundry, I just watched tv and surfed the whole morning I think which is really really nonsense. But that ain't over yet, I will go to my mother's shop and I will bring with me my sewing kit and see if I can make a new bag again. I'll post about the bags soon. :)

Tomorrow, who knows? If I will suck again or not...


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