Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Back in Circle...

Hey! I still exist! *wink wink*

Hey everyone, it’s nice to be back… I know I haven't blogged for a while but please don’t give up on me. Been engaged with friends and family matters lately. Ears occupied with friends’ whining, went to the burial of someone dear to me who passed away, went to my relatives for some special occasion --- eat, eat, eat like a pig the whole day, been remorseful for not attending the dance class (which I did after weeks of absence after holidays), also had a “girlie rules!” bond with my soul sister, Sharlyn – it was fun I must say, and look after the kids. And to that I always find myself stumbling at the end of the day just to spend some quality time with my boyfriend, Eddie.

And if you may have noticed, I changed my font color and template too. Part of putting behind my not so good experiences with the adsense things, you don't wanna know about it nor dare not try.

Just wanted to let you know that life’s been crazy these past few weeks and I still have a lot of catching up to do, posting that is. At least now you see that I’ve posted, it’ll give you a hint that I STILL EXIST! LOL.

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