Wednesday, January 18, 2006

13 Ways to Instantly Improve Your Attitude

The right outlook in life will help you eat better, stick to your goals, sleep more soundly, and be more energetic. Though everyone feels down or defeated at times and when that happens, turn your attitude around with these simple strategies.

1. Force a smile. Studies show that the physical act of smiling -- even if you don't really mean it -- causes chemical changes in your body associated with happiness.

2. Go for a walk. Exercise triggers the release of feel-good hormones called endorphins. And a dose of fresh air and sunshine never hurt anyone's attitude. So true.! J

3. Count your blessings. Write down 5 or 10 things that make you happy or thankful-friends, a beloved pet, a roof over your head, a sunny day - and reflect on each of them for a minute. I'm going to post something like this soon.

4. Picture a soothing scene. Close your eyes and imagine a scene that's deeply pleasing to you. Perhaps it's a beautiful beach at sunset. Give your full attention to the softness of the sand, the crashing of the waves, the twinkle of the water, and the smell of the salt air. I practice this a lot before but I guess I should be practicing more, it helps really.

5. Sniff a scent. Scents have an amazing impact on your mood. Sprinkle a few drops of an essential oil such as lavender, ylang-ylang, eucalyptus, sandalwood, or rose on a tissue or handkerchief and inhale the scent. If you don't have any essential oil, sniff a flower, light a scented candle, or brew a cup of peppermint tea and breathe in the steam. Relaxing!

6. Put on a great song. Whether it's soothing classical music, soulful blues, razzy jazz, or rousing rock and roll, music can change your mood faster than you can say "feeling groovy" or "here comes the sun." I prefer jazz though, classic!

7. Get a massage. It is said that massages not only relieve muscle tension, they trigger the release of serotonin, a brain chemical associated with a feeling of well-being, and reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol. If you can't get a massage from a professional, ask your partner to run your shoulders for a few minutes, or rub your own feet.

8. See molehills, not mountains. When something goes wrong, ask yourself whether it's really a big deal. Will you remember it years from now? What's the worst thing that can happen as a result? Is it likely to happen?

9. Think of your children or your pet. Sometimes diverting your thoughts momentarily to those who love you, who matter more, who bring pleasure, helps you instantly put things in perspective during stressful moments.

10. Play with a dog. Playing with a dog for just a few minutes raises levels of the brain chemicals serotonin and oxytocin -- both mood elevators. You don't need to own a dog to experience these feel-good effects. Your neighbor's dog would probably love the attention.

11. Find the humor. When something frustrating happens, think about it as if it happened to someone else -- someone you like, or maybe someone you don't. In fact, keep running through the Rolodex in your head until you find the best person you can think of to put in your current predicament. Laugh at him, then laugh at yourself!

12. Put a stop sign in your brain. When you catch yourself in the midst of negative thinking, shout, "Stop!" to yourself and picture a stop sign. Replace the distressing thought with another thought that's more positive and rational. For example, if the stressful thought is, "I can't do this: I'm worthless," instead say to yourself, "There are many valuable things that I can do."

13. Buy yourself flowers. If you’d buy them for someone else, why not for yourself? You're worth it! Display them on your desk or table to put a little joy in your heart.

These are just some of the simple things that could enhance your attitude towards everyday life. I personally experience attitude problem most of the time especially when I want to improve my life but I can’t, kids out of control, life’s a bit crazy, mother’s nagging too much, etc. But I would say, it’s just a matter of accepting who you are and supporting whatever you do. Don’t expect though to change a long-standing attitude overnight it needs a continued practice overcome it. Enjoy your day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very good!Due to your advice,I was successful in changing my attitude ...continue good job ^^