Sunday, January 08, 2006

Where Will You Be Five Years From Now?

While I was at the top of our tree fixing the wind chime that I made a couple of days ago, suddenly remembered my horoscope that I read yesterday. It says:

“More than ever before, you'll feel as though it is time to take matters into your own hands and build your own career future, dear Pisces. You are fed up with living on hope and putting off your happiness until tomorrow. Your determination will be so strong that you may even surprise yourself. In the coming days, you'll refine your approach and make it more concrete. Today is the first day of a new life for you.”

Today is the first day of a new life for you. Hmm.. interesting. How true could it be? It all depends on me, for sure. While figuring out how to make my frigging wind chimes sound, I suddenly remembered a good friend which I haven’t seen and communicate in ages.

Five years ago, he asked me “Where will you be five years from now?” I replied shortly with “I don’t know, I live my life one day at a time.” He just stared at me with that reply. Oops, bad answer, I know, I sounded like someone who doesn’t know where life will lead me. Which I must say was true although hard to admit at that time. I know, I don’t have to explain but I have my own reasons why I really don’t plan for the future at that moment. No questions asked. Honestly, that question struck me that it swayed some of my perceptions in life and I carry it with me until now.

Now, I felt a compelling need to answer that question. Have I made my life fruitful during those five years? Or another five years have been wasted? I believe those years have been a blast. Just so you know that question cling on my mind since then. I started building my own dreams, finished college, found great friends, travel to new places, meet new faces, I get to spend more time with my kids since then than before, laughed as loud as I can without being inhibited, enjoyed the single blessedness, love and get hurt… and love again.

Five years from now, I will be 35, eow! I hate the thought of getting old but it’s inevitable so I would say grow old but stay happy, pretty and sexy. I think I have established a new career, improved my writing skills somehow. And I am a writer in my own right. I write about people’s passion. Passion which lead these people succeed in life and what simple pleasures they get from their experiences in life.

Hopefully, I am an accomplished professional photographer and have my own gallery too. It's one of my dreams actually.

And above all, optimistic and funny in a way, I used to visualize myself happily living rather entwined, with my boyfriend Eddie, having coffee at the patio of our house looking at the stunning site of Tagaytay Highlands.. kissing, ooh! *heart beats faster whenever I dream about this* oops, of course I won’t forget about the Rav4 parked at our roomy space beside our appealing garden.

Our family then is getting bigger cause we have a new baby girl in the house, which Ken and Kitty adored. As much as Eddie and I do. I’m a good cook too by then. ;)

Enchanting and sounds dreamy isn’t it but I have to work on this. I know I can do it cause I’m the type of person that would never give up until I get what I really, really want. For this is the first day of a new life for me…

In the end, from that question alone, it has taught me a lot from life. All those good things and not so good things that happened to me in the past years will for sure make me a stronger, wiser and better a person for I have learned how to fail and how to succeed in everyday life from now and the days to come.

But for now, I have to make this wind chime working and start to make this dreams come true. Where will you be five years from now? I hope you learned something today from me, somehow. Good day!

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