Thursday, March 16, 2006

I Don't Know What to Call This...

Today I cried my heart out because I won't able to go to the wedding coverage on Saturday as part of my training in photography. The reason: i have no camera to be used, no money either to buy one and it's really very very frustrating I must say. Not even a pint of double dutch ice cream or primo pizza could ever cheer me up except that of my boyfriend's kiss :)

Just can't help thinking why bad things happen all at the same time... Like problem with the kids' fees, my very loving family won't help me and I can't get go to the wedding coverage. Maybe there's a reason to all of this, I will just have to wait and be patient for a while.

If its any consolation that would be FOUR MORE DAYS TO GO BEFORE OUR HOLIDAY. About three days ago, I already have packed my stuff, I even brought my portable kettle with me so that we could have a cup of coffee anytime in the island. My bestfriend Abi bought me a new pair of swimsuit which is really nice and so generous of her to do that.

Also, my daughter, Kitty, wrote something on her reminder's notebook some stuff to be brought to the island:

- 'sand black'
- 'baiting suit'
- 'googles'

Cute huh? I'm sure you figured it out already what were those. This vacation will be great, last year we were so crazy going to the resorts ALMOST EVERY WEEK and there's no trace of fair skin on us just PURE TAN or bronze-y look. Cool, eh? Just what my bestfriend and I love doing.

Jealous now? No worries, I'll post some pictures of me in 'two-piece', my bestfriend, and our kids in our escapade to the islands of Guimaras in Iloilo City :) Bye for now! PS: Hope it's not a goodbye for photography too.

Happy Summer!