Sunday, February 26, 2006

The Wedding...

The reward of having a stressful weekend paid-off when I attended my bestfriend's brother's wedding last Saturday at Mt. Carmel Church. I was ten minutes earlier so I still have time to chat with my bestfriend, Abi, and some of the people I know back there. Though busy, I happened to have a little chat with the groom and ended a conversation wishing him "goodluck" which made one of the unknown guests react and corrected me with "best wishes" then raising her eyebrows. If she only knew the groom well and tried to read between the lines then she would understand.

Since this is a catholic wedding, there are lots of ceremonies and preaches before the union ends. While doing so, Abi and I were busy looking who's who and the principal sponsor's dress and bling. LOL. It's one of the thing you just can't avoid in attending events like this that's why I rarely attend stuff like these unless the one involved is really close to me or something in that event intrigues me. :) So now you know.

I must say what I like the most was at the reception thing because the ambiance was so relaxing plus the meal was great. I only had carbonara, grilled fish (tanigue) and chicken roll though since I'm cutting down on eating meat. Plus, I had vegetable salad too. :) It was funny coz most of the people I'm sharing with was done with their meal but I haven't started with the dessert yet. Anyways, in one word, the food was awesome!

I have to go now, my time's over. I'll continue this anyway when my connection go ok maybe tomorrow and hopefuly today. As for now, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME and 'best wishes' to the newly wed! And have a nice life!

This is what I took come... while waiting for the bride to show up.

The bride and the groom.. once you get in, there's no turning back! :) :) :)

My Date ;)

A match made from wood ;)

My bestfriend obviously isn't prepared for the event ;)

mmm... after a three course meal, this is what's left-- lettuce!

My souvenir...

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