Monday, December 26, 2005

Ten Reasons To Drink Over The Holidays

Why indulge in adult beverages during the holiday season? Here are a few reasons we can think of:

It helps me erase the mental image of fat Santa stuck halfway down my chimney.
There's nothing better than Pinot Noir when turkey's on the table.
It's one present that I don't have to share with the kids.
A stiff drink can warm you up; a tall cold one can chill you down. It's better than a thermos bottle!
Two words: Christmas cheer.

I got some of these humorous slideshow from Forbes' top three picks of their
"Ten Benefits of Holiday Drinking" ...

You bring spirit to the occasion literally: vodka, tequila, and rum.

Drinking in winter means staying warm or at least feeling
like you're warm.

The holidays go by much quicker, just a vague memory.

Happy Holidays and toast for a good year to come and world peace!

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