Monday, December 12, 2005


• Rent Videos, instead of going to the movies. You can split the cost of video rental with your friends, and buy snacks from the grocery—it’s cheaper than the movie snack bar.
• Quit smoking. Smoking is bad for your health and your pocket. Quitting now saves you money for cigarettes (and future hospitalizations for lung disease).
• Stop hanging out at the mall. Most of us see the mall as our chief place of recreation. Try to break this habit and pass the time somewhere else where the temptation for impulse buying is not as great.
• Exercise on your own, instead of paying for gym memberships or formal classes. You can walk, bike, swim, dance, or run in your own neighborhood without paying a centavo. (this one sure really hits me)
• Buy secondhand. Vintage is in, so shop at the ukay-ukay instead of splurging on brand-new clothes. You’ll be trendier-- and richer!
• Order groceries over the phone. This forces you to stick to your list because you won’t be walking through aisles and aisles of yummy stuff that you don’t actually need.
• Go vegetarian. Cutting out meat from your diet saves not just money but also calories. Plus, you’ll be healthier in your old age.
• Borrow books instead of buying. You can make a pact with your friends to buy a certain book each then just trade afterwards.
• If in case, you can’t order groceries over the phone, make a list of the things on what you need to buy. Plus, buy stuff on their maximum contents because you will save more from it. Don’t buy just for the sake of buying.

“Invest on things that are tangible and lasting. Prioritize things that matter most.”

I have come up with the idea of posting “Money Saving Tips” weekly so that everytime I look at my blog it will remind me to save and not splurge on things that I really don’t need. I hope this would somehow help you guys.

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