Saturday, October 07, 2006

The Crafty Me ;)

Lately I have been making some handmade accessories that I bought 'alone' in Manila. For the first time, I was never afraid to be left alone shopping in the crowded streets of Divisoria and Quiapo (that's where you can buy the cheapest beads, wooden beads, and semi-precious gem stones. Name it, they have it. Just hold on to your wallet real tight)

I only started with a few thousand pesos for a capital to begin this business and hopefully it will grow eventually. I am really excited and positive about this small business cause it's just the perfect timing and it didn't came from my mother ;) What's more exciting is that I might get the portable sewing machine that I've been anticipating long ago cause I also planned to make some bags in addition to the handmade accessories.

Being a first-timer in making the handmade earrings, I have made so many 'palpak' or errors when it comes to buying stuff needed to complete it. So next time I went there, I know what to do and what to buy. I also am collecting the samples I needed and writing down the colors, shapes, and textures of the beads to be bought next time.

Hopefully, soon enough, I would be able to post some pix of the handmade jewelries that I made with the help of my kids and some people around me. My kids have been helpful in giving me some ideas while doing them.. so far, they're enjoying it especially my little girl. One thing that I'm also glad of is that I have a supportive boyfriend who I can always talk to when I'm feeling down. He's glad too about this thing that I just started.

Jewelry making, I must say, the process of doing it is so tiring, lots of getting used to but fun and all worth it when you finished one piece and be able to sell them.

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