Monday, November 14, 2005

Everyone's Getting Hitched! YIKES!

You Ready to Take the Plunge?

Two of my friends (Abie and Wendy) have just announced that they’re ready to exchange vows early next year. However, Sharlyn, is still in the stage whereat she’s having her second thoughts on whether to accept her boyfriend’s proposal to get married this December or not. The announcement though didn’t happen at the same time.

Abie met her boyfriend about six months ago and Wendy recently met her love of her life. They both find their boyfriends online ( by the way. And after all the excitement, they met and decided to get hitched and stuff. This isn’t just a hormone induced marriage, mind you. It’s pure Love, indeed.

And did you know that the projection will be about 600,000 weddings this year based on Philippine Statistical Yearbook figures, which explains the proliferation of bridal fairs and the fact that every church, hotel and reception venue is booked solid for the next year or two? I would say, Pinay wedding fever is here to stay. ;-)

Here's what I can say: Goodluck and while still single, make the most out of your single life! Way to go, sisters! There's no letting go once you take your wildest oat! ;-)

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